Is it okay to marry someone you don't love? On the part of man, no, but of the woman, yes. Why? Because men are by nature fixed-minded. Unlike women. Secondly, the Bible requires women to obey and submit to their own husbands. God's instruction for men was different: love and die for your wife!
The problem with most men is unreasonable physical attraction toward the opposite sex. Worse, they usually think it is love already when it is just a lustful and sex-driven emotion. True love is physical attraction plus respect and acceptance of the one being loved. The tendency of most men after sex is disrespect or the feeling of having a would-be partner who's cheap and a sex whiz notwithstanding her routine pretensions.
Will man marry for the sake of money? Yes, just like most women, most men are also potential gold diggers. But they will never learn to develop love to someone they hated at the back of their minds. If the woman is still young, he may tolerate the union for the sake of sex. But the "tiger" in him will soon wake up when his wife's menopausal appetite towards sex becomes evident to him.
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