
About this Site

This site was created with one purpose in mind, that is, to emphasize the value of appreciation. Sad that in school students are taught to demand fairness. Said one student: our teacher wants us to demand fairness after college, for we are in an exclusive school--we need to demand fairness considering the breadth of our expense!

This principle is consistent with the honors and recognition given to deserving students. After college however, fresh graduates would find themselves foraging for the chance of landing a lousy job in a very humiliating environment of an apprentice, in contrast with the ego trip emphasized in school.

But with appreciation as core philosophy in life, one would certainly be happier and more successful. Appreciation is the key. You need to appreciate your wife; your face; yourself; your employment. Appreciate everything that is yours. Don't start to appreciate the things in other people without first appreciating your very own. Appreciation is the mother of all forms of success.

I hope to be able to write more (time permitting) in this site.

I like this note from Marcus Aurelius: "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”

I am Jun P. Espina. I love to share good ideas.

All is well.