Thursday, September 24, 2015

Real Peace at Home

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Divorce and same-sex marriage killed the family. But the devil won't succeed with his ambition of populating the world with drug addicts and prostitutes by wiping out the family institution. Five Christian principles were discussed engagingly in the ebook, "Real Peace at Home." One of them is the Bible truth that marriage was God's invention. No one has the right, therefore, to redefine the family. The intervention of the government; the order of the US Supreme Court; the opinions of the intellectuals, the atheists, and the homosexuals--all these groups don't have the authority to destroy the home.

Authored by me, Romulo P. Espina, Jr. (Jun P. Espina), this volume is helpful for those who are convinced that a happy home has to be anchored on sound principles.
Press this link for more information about "Real Peace at Home."

(Published also at Wise and True.)